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Samsung e Armata di Mare, Style and technology for a step towards the future

Armata di mare has created a partnership with Samsung, a technology company leader in many fields and able to meet the modern man needs. With Samsung we are looking to the future, a future where technology and style will be a perfect match. Armata di Mare...

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Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Spot TV EURES is renewed

EURES is renewed with new services tailored for workers and companies. Today is also possible to take advantages of incentives to support European mobility. Visit our website or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. This video was produced in collaboration with InsertCoin....

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Storyboarding for movies and commercials. ...

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Samsung, Smart Signage TV, Shinto Restaurant Roma

POWER TO ELEGANCE! The fabulous world of Shinto seen through the images of the Samsung SMART Signage TV. Shinto & Samsung: taste of elegance. This video was producted by Linkaround....

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Samsung, Galaxy Alpha product video

Samsung Galaxy Alpha main features video...

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Samsung, New smart multifunction printers

New smart multifunction printers...

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Samsung, BADA logo animation

Samsung BADA logo animation...

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Samsung, Mission to Galaxy

Discover the adventures of the spaceship GALAXY, in search of free applications through the Android Market galaxy. A quick trip to 3 new worlds. Mission to Galaxy, a short animated 3D cartoon made by Linkaround for the launch of the first Samsung Android Phone....

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Samsung, Navibot

Creativity, shooting, 3D, editing....

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Samsung, Book of records

Open and read the magical Book of Records. A Samsung tale rich of challanges. The story of innovation, quality and innovative products that led to rule the market....

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